PKSCA Environmental Programs
• Solid Waste (1999)
• Sustainable Development (2001)
• Hazardous Waste (2004)
• Drinking Water (2006)

Portland-Khabarovsk Sister City Association Joint Projects over the Past 30 Years
Solid Waste Management Initiative (SWMI)
The Solid Waste Management Initiative (SWMI) began in December 1999 with a $30,000 grant from the U.S. Information Agency through Sister Cities International. The grant was offered to PKSCA by SCI as part of the U.S. Secretary of State’s strategy for strengthening international relationships through grass-roots, citizen organizations like our Association. The SWMI was heartily welcomed by then Khabarovsk Mayor Pavel Filipov and, with the participation of the Khabarovsk Department of Municipal Services, representatives of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and the Portland Bureau of Environmental Services began working in Khabarovks on problems related to solid waste managment (such as disposal operations in the city dump, support for recycling programs, and planning for a new state of the art landfill.)
From its inception the SWMI has enjoyed the patronage of Khabarovsk Mayor Alexander Sokolov, of Khabarovsk Krai Minister of Natural Resource Protection Gennady Pocherevin and Khabarovsk Krai Minister of Economic Development Alexander Levintal. We have sent to Khabarovsk more than 20 professionals from various Portland, Oregon and Washington government agencies and private companies and have received more than 20 professionals from participating Khabarovsk government agencies. We have received funding from USIA, from the U.S. Agency for International Development, from the Trust for Mutual Understanding, and a number of private U.S.