Annual Portland Khabarovsk Sister City Association Russian themed activities
Rose Festival
Portland holds its Rose Festival at the beginning of June, Khabarovsk its Day of the City Festival at the end ofMay–both serving as showcases for sister city delegations.
Victory Day
Victory Day is both a fun celebration and an emotional commemoration. The photos on this page are from PKSCA’s 2015 Victory Day event, which included catered Russian cuisine and complementary beverages as well as Victory Day songs, commemorative narratives, and poems.
Bridge to Russia
Our annual Bridge to Russia social event, held in at Old Church in downtown Portland on a pleasant Sunday afternoon, November 5th, was a great success!
International Women’s Day (8th of March holiday) PKSCA event
Each year in May on International Women’s Day PKSCA sponsors a dinner event at a local Russian restaurant at which flowers are handed out to all of the women in attendance.
Portland-Khabarovsk Sister City Association Joint Projects over the Past 30 Years
PKSCA has undertaken a wide variety of projects over the past 30 years. PKSCA has worked with our Russian partners on issues of public safety, healthcare, environmental protection, water quality, solid waste management, music and graphic arts, public education and youth programs. The City of Portland also donated a fire truck to the City of Khabarovsk.
In addition, the two cities have hosted multiple reciprocal visits of mayors and other government officials.

Portland Delegations to Khabarovsk’s Day of the City Festival
Over the years, PKSCA has sent several delegations to Khabarovsk to represent Portland during Day of the City, and in 2014 the Khabarovsk City Administration reciprocated for the first time with the sending· of a delegation to Portland for Rose Festival Week.
In 2016, the members of the popular Portland band Three for Silver–all three PKSCA members–did double-duty at Day of the City, serving both as Day of the City delegates and musical performers.
In 2017, a PKSCA delegation led by PKSCA President Alan Ellis traveled to Khabarovsk for Day of the City.

Portland-Khabarovsk Sister City Association
Joint Projects over the Past 30 Years
Jazz Bridge Project
For almost 100 years jazz music has been building bridges and connecting cultures across the globe. From the Voice of America broadcasts of the 1950’s, to the historic State Department tours of Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, and Dizzy Gillespie, to ground-breaking visits by jazz artists to China and the Soviet Union, jazz has opened the doors of dialogue and reached across borders, languages and cultures to create goodwill.
The Jazz Bridge Project is a collaborative cultural exchange between Portland, Oregon and its sister city Khabarovsk, Russia that is inspired by the role that jazz has played in bringing cultures together. The Jazz Bridge Project is organized by PKSCA with the support of Portland-State University’s Leroy Vinnegar Jazz Institute, the Alan Jones Academy of Music, and individual donors who appreciate the power of Jazz to promote world peace.